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Orchard Therapeutic Farm - Alternative Provision

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A typical day at OTF

What will a day look like ?


Every day is different at OTF and is full of fun, engaging activities, where memories are created for our young people! Our amazing staff are here throughout each young persons progress and we treat each morning as a fresh start.

There are a variety of activities from pottery to cookery to fishing to bee keeping.   Working on a farm with seasonal changes will need flexibility but this will always bring new learning experiences, especially during apple picking or calving season.  


OTF opens at 9.00 am each day with a transition time, check-ins, and breakfast of roughly  minutes, ready for our first session at 9.30 am. Bespoke sessions last around 45 minutes with rest breaks depending on the young person's needs. The day finishes at 2.00pm for Primary and 2.30pm for Secondary.


The mood at our Centre is informal and upbeat. Our aim is to help our students regain their self-esteem and get back on track – a good outcome is not just about metrics, but about our students being comfortable, more confident and reaching their personal goals and successes. Our small sizes mean we can really focus on the needs of each individual, bring back their confidence in all areas and enjoy a therapeutic approach to learning.
